A Case of Logorrhea: An Almost Perfect Weekend (The sequel)

Sunday, December 04, 2005

An Almost Perfect Weekend (The sequel)

BURP! Excuse moi, but i think i've had too much to eat this weekend. Our barbeque cum tenting at East Coast Park was quite a blast. It was my very first attempt at setting up a tent and camping in the wild(McDonald's was 150 metres away, good old Macers, but shhh, we dont need everyone to know that). Do give us some credit here, we are, after all, city boys and girls wanting to get in touch with mother nature. Its funny how sometimes extemporaneous efforts seem to work better than carefully thought out ones, its just one of those things i guess. And i did recently find out the source of these wise words - Life is what happens when you are busy making other plans - John Lennon. I wish i could write better, just so i can describe how beautiful the sun rising from the horizon was, or how breathtaking it was to watch the endless skies illuminated by streaks of lightning. It was, hmmm.... surreal. And to know that spectacular sights as such occurs every morning, i'm awe-struck and stupefied, and astronomically lonely. I was so desperate to have a lover's hand to hold, a shoulder to lean on, anything to share this magical moment with, i half wanted to grab Agus' hand, just to know how it feels, to have that, that precious moment that doesnt come very often.

Something must be wrong somewhere, loneliness when you are single is something i can handle, because there is something to look forward to, there is the hope that somewhere out there, there is someone that can make it all go away. But this, this i am not ready for, this i am not equipped to manage. And so the only logical response i came up with was to use humour as a cover up, to act like a clown, and maybe my mind would somehow think its all a farce. Do i sound like Chandler or what? I hope i didnt freak my poor friends out though. Now that you know my secret, i am going to have to silence every single one of you. :D The next time this happens, do not freak out, laugh at my jokes and know that i will be fine. I am not a schizophrenic, i am a gemini.

Counting down the days to Christmas! It'll be our best one yet, i can see it coming. Dont you just love this time of the year? Even though it doesnt snow here in Singapore, even though its 35 degrees celsius in the supposed "winter", even though Santa Claus has to deliver his Christmas presents in a bathing suit just so he doesnt die from heat stroke, still, its Christmas. Its beautiful. Its lovely. Merry Christmas friends. Merry Christmas Baka. Merry Christmas to everyone who reads this.

Pictures Fresh From The Oven


Blogger Ed said...

You beat me to my post! That was fast, goodness, didn't you sleep? Weren't you tired?

It was something new, wasn't it?

Miss Tay, whatever made you think I don't know... I have the innate ability to emphatise. Whatever made you think it didn't cross anyone else's mind for that matter...

If it's any consolation... whoever that had a hand to hold that on that beautiful 'sunset', didn't. So, you were not alone :D

10:03 am  
Blogger Ed said...

Did you spot the spelling error?


10:04 am  
Blogger mindless moth said...

Was i tired? I was exhuasted, in fact, i didnt wake up till 7 in the evening. Hmm, i should have silenced you long ago, you know too much. Lol.

Yes, i've spotted the spelling error, EMPATHISE i believe, is the correct spelling and i spotted something else too. There is definitely something wrong with this statement -

If it's any consolation... whoever that had a hand to hold that on that beautiful 'sunset', didn't.

We should honestly stop this error spotting crap, its your occupational hazard, not mine. :)

1:36 pm  
Blogger mindless moth said...

Jeannie: Squeezing blackheads must be the last thing on my mind that morning. Lol. We had a great time didnt we? Except my singing, drove you guys mad didnt i? :p

1:38 pm  
Blogger Ed said...

Don't bluff, wouldn't have noticed otherwise right?? LOL.


If it's any consolation... whoever that had a hand to hold that on that beautiful 'sunset', wasn't holding one!

yeah, mine, so I get to do the correcting ;ppp

1:58 pm  
Blogger Ed said...

okie okie, my brains are fried...

If it's any consolation... whoever that had a hand to hold on that beautiful 'sunset', didn't.

If it's any consolation... whoever that had a hand to hold on that beautiful 'sunset', wasn't holding one!

Terrible me.

2:40 pm  
Blogger mindless moth said...

Lol, it doesnt bother me, as long as i am not the one making them! I had someone spelled dying as "dieing", now that, that bothers me, a lot. So does definitely as "defiantly", i mean! Please, those are two different words altogether!

3:08 pm  
Blogger Ed said...

Hah, relish the rare moment!

Okie, 'definitely' and 'defiantly' is wayyy off. 'Dieing'... I suppose, can be an honest mistake, lol.

1:51 pm  
Blogger Ed said...

Oh and... thanks for putting up the photos :)

I keep coming back here to look at them so don't be surprised if I appear more than once a day on your tracker.

2:05 pm  
Blogger mindless moth said...

Let me let you in for a little tidbit, you know the person who made the ridiculous mistake - definitely and defiantly.

3:39 pm  
Blogger Ed said...

You mean spelt or said?

Oh boy, already a few names come into mind, LOL.

8:51 am  
Blogger mindless moth said...

We are meanies arent we? We are. Spelt. Lol.

8:59 am  

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