I'll always be,
the fat, ugly, titless bitch with a face so flat you could land a plane,
the girl whom when asked whats on her mind, tells you that she almost choked herself to death with the glob of phlegm stuck in her respiratory tract,
the daft cow,
the one who hates having her picture taken,
the one who insists on having coffee at 2am in the morning,
the one who wants her breakfast in bed, eat it too, and still thinks its not quite enough,
the one who blows her mucus-clogged nose and doesnt give a hoot if you think its a disgusting sight,
the one who tells you that fats spilling from your boxers doesnt make you the least bit attractive,
the girl who is paranoid, insecure and just a tad neurotic,
the one who falls harder,
the great pretender,
the underachiever,
the one who cries convulsively at the movies,
now that you said it, a bit of a hooligan as well,
the one who is at ease staring into space for hours, whom you assumed had accomplished nothing in the last 6 years,
the one who tries to convince you that hers is a brain of brilliance, and trying even harder to convince herself that there is at least something about her that is magnifique, if not her culinary prowess,
the girlie bully, who really is, just a girl
the one who teases your ineptness with a pair of chopsticks,
the one whom you laughed at whenever she tries to swear after you in Greek,
the one who knows that you are miserable, with not a clue why you are here,
the one who would never be quite the same after having met you, knowing that you do exist, but could never figure how to move you,
the one you almost had at 'allo'
the one who refuses to admit that you made her laughed more than anyone ever did,
the girl whose fortress trepidates, threatening to plummet, with every step that you take,
the scaredy cat or chicken as you pleased, who is not sticking around to find out what comes next,
the girl who could never be truly happy, not for long at least,
the one who wished she had held you a little tighter, a little closer the last she did,
the girl who might live to regret for being terrified, after all, you cant lose something you never quite had in the first place can you?
the one who said it first,
your malaka.